This Week, Come Talk About Movies on!

Movie Audience

Looking for an intelligent place to talk about movies online? All this week, I'm participating in Film Riot, a special project on Ology is a social network "all about passions", and for the past two weeks, we've been sharing our ideas about favourite directors and which movies we would have loved to act in.  Because I love reading and replying to comments here on the blog, I'm inviting everyone who reads Professionally Incoherent to join Ology and check out our discussion on the Film Riot page.

This week's topic is Throwback Reviews - our reactions to movies released before we were born. You can find my contribution to this week's topic below, my review of 1964's A Fistful of Dollars. I think you'll find that Film Riot is a fun, passionate conversation between movie buffs, and I hope to hear from some of you as the project continues!